What is anaemia?
Anemia is an ailment involving a reduction in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood resulting from a deficiency in the number of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood.
Our naturopaths and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can help manage your anaemia naturally.
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Forms of anaemia
Aplastic Anemia
Results from the insufficient manufacture of red blood cells by the bone marrow. -
Hemolytic Anemia
(also known as Haemolytic Anemia) results from the increased destruction of red blood cells. -
Hemorrhagic Anemia
(Also known as Haemorrhagic Anemia) caused by loss of blood. It is a form of Microcytic Anemia. Acute Posthemorrhagic Anemia is caused by sudden (acute) massive loss of blood (haemorrhage). Chronic Hemorrhagic Anemia is caused by long-term moderate loss of blood such as occurs with peptic ulcers, haemorrhoids, or loss of blood from a gynecologic or urologic site. -
Hypochromic Anemia
Characterized by insufficient haemoglobin in red blood cells. -
Iron Deficiency Anemia
(Also known as Hypoferric Anemia) results from lack of iron (which is necessary for the production of haemoglobin). -
Macrocytic Anemia
Results from the presence of abnormally large red blood cells. -
Megaloblastic Anemia
Results from the presence of megaloblasts in the blood. -
(Also known as Methaemoglobinaemia) results from the conversion of haemoglobin in red blood cells to the toxic methaemoglobin. -
Pernicious Anemia
Results from a deficiency of intrinsic factor which in turn results in vitamin B12 deficiency. -
Sickle-Cell Anemia (SCA)
Results from defective haemoglobin molecules causing red blood cells to have a twisted 'sickle' shape. -
Sideroblastic Anemia
Characterized by the presence of abnormal, ringed sideroblasts.
Specific Therapists

Greg Bantick has been in practice since 1975 in a wide variety of clinical settings. He has particular interests in dermatology, digestive, mood and auto-immune disorders. He is registered as a Chinese herbalist, pharmacist and acupuncturist with AHPRA CMR0001733690.
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Tina has over 40 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in naturopathy and acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she cares for.
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