Biomesotherapy Brisbane
Homeopathic treatment for pain using biomesotherapy
Biomesotherapy is a new natural therapy combining the knowledge and techniques of:
- Homoeopathy
- Homotoxicology
- Biopuncture
- Homeosiniatry
- Neural Therapy
- Mesotherapy
- Injection Therapy
- Acupuncture
Most of these injections are given subcutaneously under the skin or in the muscles. Although these products have been used in Germany (and the rest of the world) for several decades, the specific name Biomesotherapy came into being about a decade ago. In many countries, it is called Biopuncture.
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Where are these injections given?
Biomesotherapy injections shouldn't be compared with the 'usual injections' given in conventional medicine or neural therapy. The insulin needles used for this treatment are very fine and more like acupuncture needles. Injections are given into specific body points; the pain, local, and distance points, as well as acupuncture points from Traditional Chinese Medicine, segment points and organ points. Some of these points are trigger points or acupuncture points.
Trigger point injections have their origin in the USA and the use of acupuncture points goes back to ancient Chinese medicine. Injections into and around joints are also common. A lot of these injections are given at more than one spot during each session. For example pain in the elbow, the natural therapist will look for several painful spots in the arm muscles, and inject each of them in one session. So in most cases, several little injections are given in a specific zone of the body at each session.
Does it biomesotherapy hurt?
With the Inject-ease (applicator) device, there is very little pain felt at all. In fact, the patient feels mostly no discomfort. A further advantage is that a patient who may be afraid of needles does not see the needle in the Applicator. A skilled practitioner can administer the injection with minimal to no pain.
Why use biomesotherapy?
Biomesotherapy is not a miracle therapy, but patients often experience pain relief even after the very first session. The majority of patients choose to be treated with biomesotherapy because they are in pain and do not support the use of allopathic painkillers. It is important to realise that biomesotherapy does not 'take away' the pain as with a pharmaceutical medication or painkiller.
We regard pain as an important 'signal' that something is going wrong. Similar to a red light burning in the dashboard of your car: we do not just want to 'turn it off' but we want to look for the deeper cause of the problem. This means that if we can alleviate the pain without prescribing painkillers, we have a good reason to conclude that we have not treated the pain symptomatically but helped the body to heal himself.
Biomesotherapy can be used by natural health therapists to treat minor orthopaedic problems. As well as neck and back problems, biomesotherapy can also treat:
- Ankle sprain
- Knee and hip problems
- Sciatica
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer elbow
- Inflammation in tendons
- Achilles tendonitis
Biomesotherapy is also very successful in treating sports injuries. In addition, the use of these injections is interesting for those patients who have tried allopathic medicine but have had no success, or for those who have had to stop the allopathic medication because of side effects.
Is Biomesotherapy/Biopuncture only for pain?
No! Biomesotherapy is about activating the extracellular matrix so it can be used for many other complaints. It is traditionally used to activate detoxification and activation of particular organs and cells. Therefore it is also beneficial in helping to:
- Deblock scars
- Activate and stimulate the immune system
- Cold and flu's
- Headaches and migraines
- Natural performance optimisation
- Hormonal problems
- Allergies
- Treat respiratory tract problems,
- Problems with the digestive system
- Aesthetic medicine.
Our Biomesotherapy Therapists

Greg Bantick
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Pain Management, Remedial Massage, Stress Management, Women's HealthGreg Bantick has been in practice since 1975 in a wide variety of clinical settings. He has particular interests in dermatology, digestive, mood and auto-immune disorders. He is registered as a Chinese herbalist, pharmacist and acupuncturist with AHPRA CMR0001733690.
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Tina White
Anti-Ageing, Acupuncture, Biomesotherapy, Energetic Facial Release, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Iridology, Naturopathy, Nutritional MedicineTina has over 40 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in naturopathy and acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she cares for.
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