Lactose Intolerance Tests
Do You Suspect You Are Lactose Intolerant?
Are you frustrated with feeling bloated after enjoying your favourite dairy and milk products? Unpleasant symptoms like bloating, cramping and diarrhea can signficiantly impact your quality of life, making it difficult to enjoy social events, enjoy your favourite foods and maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
Our team of qualified and experienced naturopaths and doctors will help you gain control of your digestive health and wellbeing with a simple lactose intolerance test.
To book in for an appointment and consult with a doctor, contact one of our friendly team on (07) 3186 0587.
What is Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose Intolerance is a common condition where people are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) contained within milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt and other dairy products. This condition is usually harmless but it’s symptoms can be unpleasant such as gas, bloating, diaherra and abdominal cramps.
Lactose intolerance occurs when your small intestine does not make enough of the digestive enzyme lactase.
People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with cow milk allergy. Milk allergy is a reaction by the body’s immune system to one or more milk proteins and can be life threatening when just a small amount of milk or milk product is consumed. Milk allergy most commonly appears in the first year of life, while lactose intolerance occurs more often in adulthood.
Book A Lactose Intolerance Test Today
What Are The Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?
The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin within 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, based on the amount of lactose consumed and the amount a person can tolerate.
Common symptoms include but are not limited to:
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Stomach Cramps
- Bloating
- Gas
What Causes Lactose Intolerance?
The cause of lactose intolerance is best explained by describing how a person develops lactase deficiency.
Primary lactase deficiency develops over time and begins after about age 2 when the body begins to produce less lactase. Most children who have lactase deficiency do not experience symptoms of lactose intolerance until late adolescence or adulthood.
Researchers have identified a possible genetic link to primary lactase deficiency. Some people inherit a gene from their parents that makes it likely they will develop primary lactase deficiency. This discovery may be useful in developing future genetic tests to identify people at risk for lactose intolerance.
Secondary lactase deficiency results from injury to the small intestine that occurs with severe diarrhoeal illness, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or chemotherapy. This type of lactase deficiency can occur at any age but is more common in infancy.
Who is at risk of Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is a common condition that is more likely to occur in adulthood, with a higher incidence in older adults. Some ethnic and racial populations are more affected than others. Infants born prematurely are more likely to have lactase deficiency because an infant’s lactase levels do not increase until the third trimester of pregnancy.
Types of Lactose Intolerance Tests That We Perform
Hydrogen Breath Test: Hydrogen Breath Tests are a simple test performed by qualified general practitioners to determine how much hydrogen gas is in your breath. This test can be used to diagnose a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Inestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Lactose intolerance. These tests are easy to perform and non-invasive.
Lactose Intolerance Test: During this test, patients are required to drink a lactose solution and have their blood sugar levels monitored and measured over the course of 2 hours. If your levels stay the same, you may be intolerant.
Glucose Blood Test: When the body digests lactose, it produces glucose. A person who has difficulty digesting lactose would have less glucose in their blood. One of our compassionate naturopaths takes blood samples and measure the amount of glucose in a patient’s blood.
Stool Acidity Test: Stool Acidity Tests are usually used to diagnose infants and young children. It measures the acidity of stool, as the undigested lactose settles in the colon, producing lactic acid and other fatty acids.
Genetic Testing: If you have a strong family history of lactos intolerance, simple genetic testing may be in order to determine if you are lactose intolerant.
How to Prepare for The Lactose Intolerance Test?
- Do not eat any milk or dairy foods three days before the test
- Patients are required to fast overnight meaning nothing to eat or drink (except water) for 10 hours prior to the test. Do not fast for more than 14 hours as the test results may be affected
- Do not smoke before or after the lactose intolerance test
- No current illnesses, infections or stresses that might make the test invalid
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our team on (07) 3186 0587
How Can Lactose Intolerance Be Managed?
Lactose intolerance can be effectively managed through a combination of dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes and sometimes medication.
Lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and other dairy products are now commonplace in most major supermarkets around the country. Lactose-free milk and products are identical to regular milk except it has had the lactose removed, making it safe to drink and easier to digest.
There are also many over the counter medication available to try however, most people living with this condition can manage their symptoms without the need to cut out dairy entirely.
Lactose Intolerance and Calcium Intake
Milk and milk and diary products are a major source of calcium and other nutrients. Calcium is essential for the growth and repairs of bones at all ages. A shortage of calcium intake in children and adults may lead to fragile bones that can easily fracture later in life, a condition called osteoporosis.
Expert and Affordable Lactose Intolerance Tests With Health and Healing Wellness Centre
Since 1992, Health and Health Wellness Centre has grown into one of the largest holistic health clinics in Brisbane. Our compassionate teams of doctors and naturopaths are here to help you, guiding through every step of your lactose intolerance journey.
If you have any questions about our lactose tolerence and lactose intolerance tests, don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly and compassionate team to book an appointment today on (07) 3186 0587.
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Tina White
Anti-Ageing, Acupuncture, Biomesotherapy, Energetic Facial Release, Fertility & Pregnancy Care, Iridology, Naturopathy, Nutritional MedicineTina has over 40 year’s clinical practice in natural therapies. As a practitioner in naturopathy and acupuncture, Tina has remarkable insight coupled with a caring nature and is a beacon of hope for those she cares for.
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