What is Endermologie?

Liposuction, laser treatment, and fat freezing are some of the most common methods to reduce cellulite. With so many options available today, it may be confusing to determine the right option for you. Endermologie is one such treatment method that is becoming increasingly popular in Australia. What is Endermologie and why should you consider it? Keep reading this article to learn more.

What is Endermologie?

Endermologie was developed by Louis-Paul Guitay in the 1980s. It was initially used to treat burns and scar tissues. However, during the process, Louis discovered that this treatment also reduces the appearance of cellulitis and improves skin texture. Since then, Endermologie has become popular as a safe technique to reduce cellulite.

During endermologie treatment a small hand-held treatment head with motorised suction and rollers is used in the problem areas. Endermologie works by exercising the skin and body's connective tissue. The controlled suction gently lifts and holds the skin while the rollers act to massage and stimulate the area being treated. The device also gives a deep tissue massage improving blood circulation.

Endermologie works by eliminating fluids and toxins from the system through lymphatic drainage. This in turn will tighten the skin and has a contouring effect on the body.

Is it scientifically accepted?

Endermologie is approved by the FDA ( United States Food and Drug Administration). Over the past 30 years, scientific studies and research by FDA have proved that Endermologie is effective at reducing the appearance of cellulite.

What are the benefits of Endermologie?

  • Endermologie aims to help contour your body and reduce inches from the treatment area
  • It can decrease the appearance of cellulite over a series of treatments
  • The treatment can make your skin look younger as the toxins are flushed out
  • Increases blood flow and stimulates metabolism
  • Improves skin elasticity and skin tone reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars
  • The treatment will also relieve minor aches, pains, muscle spasms and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

Does Endermologie hurt?

No, it is a completely painless and non-invasive treatment. You will feel slight sensations as the device rolls and lifts the skin.

You can resume your regular activity as soon as you walk out the clinic door.

How many sessions of endermologie are needed to see results?

Within 5-6 sessions, you may start noticing visible changes like better skin texture and a decrease in cellulite. You could see improvements in your appearance after one to three courses of treatments (One course includes 15 treatments). Enermologie is not a quick fix treatment as it is effective if used over an extended period.

However, the results may vary from individual to individual depending on age, lifestyle, and hormones.

Supplement your Weight Loss Journey with Endermologie

Diet and exercise play an important role in boosting our well-being, improving metabolism and weight loss. While you are on the Endermologie program, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle, workout routine, and healthy diet.

Avoid extreme diets and weight-loss tactics as they will slow down metabolism and stimulate fat production.

How long do the results last?

Results can last up to two years depending on age, lifestyle and hormonal changes. We recommend taking maintenance sessions to extend the effects of the results.

What is your next step?

We recommend you to come along to our natural health centre for a free endermologie assessment. This complimentary consultation is obligation-free and will take up to 30 minutes. In this session, we can assess your cellulite, explain more about the treatment procedure, and resolve your doubts. This will help you make an informed decision.

To book a complimentary consultation with us, simply give us a call on 07 3857 8887 or complete our online consultation form.

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