Ancient Chinese Medicine - Curing Cancer
Published: January 07, 2020 Last Updated: January 21, 2024
Ancient Chinese Medicine And Physical Science
Traditional Chinese Remedies in The Modern Day - Curing Cancer, Snake Oil & Repairing Hearts
Traditional Chinese Medicine also known as TCM is a brand of traditional medicine based on vital energy or “qi” that circulates through channels called meridians. Meridians are connected to vital organs and functions which is based on over 3,500 years of Chinese medicinal practices and incorporates a variety of elements including Chinese herbal medicines, acupuncture, cupping, qigong & physical movement plus much more.
To find out more about Traditional Chinese Medicine, contact one of our Chinese Medicine Practitioners at Health & Healing Wellness Centre on 07 3857 8887 today.
In the western world often when we hear the term “traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)”, it’s no surprise that many associate this with herbs originating in Chinese tradition. Over the years the trust in its efficacy has diminished considerably, with many considering it to be ‘quackery’ or a hoax, however, this is far from the truth.
A perfect example of this is “Snake Oil”. Snake oil has long been associated with swindling and deceptive products, although, it may not have been as fraudulent as we might think.
The Snake Oil Swindle & Its Effect on TCM Practitioners
Snake Oil originally referred to an ancient Chinese ointment sourced from the fat of the Erabu sea snake. The Erabu also is known as the Chinese water snake is a venomous snake predominantly found in the West Pacific Ocean.
Historians believe this remedy was first introduced into the U.S during the 1800s by the Chinese, however, it has been documented in China as a successful medicine for over 3000 years. It is said the Chinese immigrants would apply the Erabu fat solution to their aching muscles and joints to ease the pain after long days of railroad construction. The American’s at the time saw this and were marvelled by the positive effects. [2]

The association of Snake Oil and swindling first arose when American salesmen wanted in - most famously Clark Stanley - “The Rattle Snake King”. The salesmen saw this remedy used by Chinese construction workers and decided they could sell it as their own. The Americans at the time having no idea of where and how to source the ointment for themselves decided it didn’t matter what was in the solution, people would still buy it if it sounded the same as the real thing.
Later on, the American sold Snake Oil, often marketed as Rattle Snake Oil by Clark Stanley, was found to be a useless solution of mineral oil, chilli peppers, and 1% fat, assumed to be sourced from mutton. It did not contain any actual ingredients from snakes let alone the Erabu. This was quickly discovered in an outrage of unhappy customers and Snake Oil as a whole gained infamous distaste as a fraudulent con.
In 1916, subsequent to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, Stanley's concoction was examined and found to be of no value. It was found to contain mineral oil, a fatty compound thought to be from beef, capsaicin from chili peppers, and turpentine. He was fined $20.00 (approximately to $470 in 2019).[5] The term "snake oil" would go on to become a popular euphemism for ineffective or fraudulent products, particularly those marketed as medicines or cures. [2]
This perhaps being one of the larger contributing factors to the modern negative bias of the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Contrary to popular belief the actual Chinese Erabu Snake Oil has since been proven to contain several beneficial components, one of which being high levels of Omega-3. Omega-3 is known to reduce inflammation (causing arthritis) and harmful cholesterol in the human body. In the modern day it is used widely throughout an array of skin and health products. The Japanese also conducted tests using Erabu oil on mice and found that their ability to swim and navigate mazes also improved.
Helping To Cure Cancer With 4 Chinese Herbs (PHY906)
Currently undergoing a 10 year trial with some already very promising results, these 4 Chinese herbs ( scientifically known as PHY906 ) are leading the way to assist in the treatment of a variety of types of cancer. These four herbs once long overlooked by western science and disregarded in the western world are now considered cutting-edge cures and are being studied across the globe.
The four Chinese herbs found in PHY906 are Baikal skullcap root, White peony root, Chinese date & Licorice root. This concoction's first known documentation was in a 1,800-year-old wrinkled bamboo parchment called Huang Qin Tang. This was originally rediscovered by a Yale student searching their archives of early Chinese medicine. [1]
Huang Qin Tang or PHY906 was traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal problems, now, they have proven results in increasing the efficacy of anti-cancer agents, shrinking tumours much faster than ever before possible, while aiding in gastrointestinal efficiency.
Yung-Chi Cheng, a pharmacology professor at Yale School of Medicine one of the founders of PHY906 composition hopes with already eight promising human trials already completed to date; PHY906 will become the first FDA-approved, multi-herb drug. [1]
Repairing Hearts & Organs with Synthetic Bear Bile
Perhaps not as commonly known, Bear Bile has been used in Ancient Chinese Medicine for over 2,200 years. Chinese practitioners and healers often prescribed the solution for epilepsy, heart troubles, venereal disease, and many other illnesses. [1]
Since then Bear Bile and its beneficial properties have been studied and found to contain high levels of something called Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA). UDCA is a now known treatment for heart, liver and gallbladder conditions, amongst many others ailments. After further study in western medicine Ursodeoxycholic Acid has been found to be easily synthesized in the lab without any need to harm bears, it has also displayed promising anti-arrhythmic qualities associated with heart failure.
The Health & Healing Wellness Center In No Way Condones The Farming Of Bear Bile Or Any Inhumane Practices
The discovery of UDCA from Bear Bile and its correlation to TCM's has led to a variety of intriguing tests. One of the most famous being the sustainability of a pig's heart, beating for well over 8 hours after being removed from the creature and infused with synthesized bear bile (UDCA). Once removed the heart was given a shock back to life with an AED device and connected to tubes simulating the function of arteries.[1]
This is truly a testament to what could be found through a more in-depth study of Ancient Chinese Practices and has sparked great intrigue into what could be done with UDCA in the future and its ability to maintain organs.
The traditional harvesting of Bear Bile, however, has had a great public outcry from the animal welfare community, as the methods used to extract the bile are undoubtedly inhumane. Bear bile farming in China is still alive and well today, with over 7,600 bears kept legally in captivity for the purpose of bile farming. Chinese officials have had much scrutiny over the laws but defend this legality by suggesting that over 10,000 wild bears would need to be killed each year to produce an equivalent amount of bile. Animal welfare supporters hope in the near future we will see UDCA also synthesized in China and the captivity & cruelty to come to an end.
[1] Peter Gwin ( 2019, January ). Retrieved from How ancient remedies are changing modern medicine
[2] Public Domain ( 2019 ). Retrieved from Clark Stanley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia